pygridgain.connection.protocol_context package

class pygridgain.connection.protocol_context.ProtocolContext(version: Tuple[int, int, int], features: Optional[pygridgain.connection.bitmask_feature.BitmaskFeature] = None)

Protocol context. Provides ability to easily check supported supported protocol features.

__init__(version: Tuple[int, int, int], features: Optional[pygridgain.connection.bitmask_feature.BitmaskFeature] = None)
is_cluster_api_supported() bool

Check whether cluster API supported by the current protocol.

is_feature_flags_supported() bool

Check whether feature flags supported by the current protocol.

is_partition_awareness_supported() bool

Check whether partition awareness supported by the current protocol.

is_status_flags_supported() bool

Check whether status flags supported by the current protocol.

is_transactions_supported() bool

Check whether transactions supported by the current protocol.

is_user_attributes_supported() bool

Check whether user attributes supported by the current protocol.